Monday, November 30, 2009


The material life of Rohini may bring fortune and happiness. The very presence of  Rohini in a family with all pursuits of material living bring a lot of wealth, fortune and happiness. The family life of the Rohini osiliates between the Material life and the Spiritual life.

This entails a risk, however. A person with a strong emphasis on this constellation would immerse  in the materialistic aspects of life in such a way that the spiritual aspect would be lost. Brahma is the creator: the god who made the material world. The symbol of Rohini, a carriage drawn by oxen, represents wealth. Rohini leads to the world of wealth, luxury and sensuality.

This may enrich a person born in Rohini in their life unless they would consequently neglect the spiritual aspect of your life. Spirituality however, does not necessarily mean asceticism.

The spiritual path of Rohini has to do with Tantra. Tantra is a religion from ancient India which consists of embracing life, enjoying all aspects of existence and, by doing so, reaching harmony with the universe and going into ecstasy and enlightenment .

Tantra requires leading a normal life; yet performing all spiritual pursits in absolute secrecy. In all outward appearance, the person seem to be in most worldly behaviour; but, they will be in bliss and esctasic life, with their organized and self purported secret spiritual pursuit.

The the basic discipline indicated in Astanga Yoga will be of much help to them, for their spiritual process for self awakening.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Even at the age of four or five, the children native of Rohini are very active. Particularly male children tend to be very active with many creative play.

The female children of the Rohini exhibit their possessiveness to their belongings and shall not spare any thing to their friends.

They cannot be very intimate to a fellow girl, for the simple reason, they keep changing their priorities.

The positive side of native Rohini child brings the multiple talents in Arts and Literature. The girls with Native Rohini will be more towards the father than the mother. Incase, the expected love from father's side is not given, they instantly change to the relatives from Mother's side.

The Rohini native boy will be more with trial and error play with the mechanical toys and at the same time interested with bringing free drawing like caricatures or pencil drawing etc.

Both the male and female children are talkative and tend to avoid talk about things that are not charming them. Their tolerance level is very low and the argument levels are very much.

They go sometimes unpopular, when they keep their argument with fellow children and earn a name of adamant.

The best way to bring the children to their optimum positive performance is possible through

1.Nurturing their ever hyperactive energy channelized to creativity and training with Oratory skills.
2.Counselling with total love and compassion in a polite tone, avoiding aggression, thereby bringing an understanding of any situation and
3. Give them any routine responsibility and make them feel proud about the responsibility.

The above advice would be useful to parents of native Rohini children particularly in avoiding conflict with their siblings.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Males in Rohini are normally slim physique and decisively underweight. However, based on the horoscope planetary positions influencing the personal attributes, they may sometimes look short structured and fatty.

Their eyes are very attractive with a special magnetic touch. Appearance is very handsome and attractive, with big shoulders and well developed muscles.

Males in Rohini are definitely short- tempered. The range of short temper is such, they are the worst compared to female rohinis’. If they get angry, it will not be easy to get subsided and any advice from any quarters will add fuel to fire like the result will be.

The general tendency of Rohini becoming over obstinate, if someone attempts to over-ride their opinions or thwart their plans, is more predominant with the Male in Rohini.

There is one more general tendency of Rohini is that they remain oblivious to any advice or ideas countering to their own.

They have a tendency to sacrifice everything for loved ones and if the same loved ones become a person of hatred, they will not hesitate to cause extreme trouble to the hatred. This is due to the fact Rohini born are ruled by heart rather than the brain. This is most predominant character in any male in Rohini, because, they are very much convinced about their idea, thought and action being accurate and apt to the situation.

They always get very much impressed about their own work and exhibit them in their words. But at the same time, due to the influence of righteousness, when the truth is explained, they will discard the false instantly. But, never in their life, can we expect an easy spell of SORRY for their committing wrong ... Certainly not.

Their life is full of ups and downs as they do not try to pre-plan their objectives. They can attain great success in life provided a little restraint is kept in the freedom of their mind. There is no tomorrow for them. They spend everything for the sake of today’s comfort. They can shine not only in any independent profession or business but also in the social work. As far as possible they try to be more sincere and honest in all the work they undertake.

The main disadvantage is that they lack patience and forgiveness.

Since due to their tendency to have a trial and error effort with many areas at ones, they look like a jack of all trades and in the process they fail to pass through the path of requisite rhythm and planned approach.

They have their freedom of mind will quite often lead to their own downfall. At the same time, many Rohini born persons have risen from the lowest social strata to the highest positions due to the freedom of mind in culmination with the finer planetary positions and birth date.

Again the best suited industries for Job are the Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Sugar Industry, Chemical Industry etc. 

The best suited area will be more with mechanical design or production. In order to avoid the mind wandering with many ideas, they should be physically and mentally occupied.

One of the primary factors to keep in mind is that they should never take anyone into immediate confidence. Male in Rohini have to be extra careful with business partners and employees. 

There is an inherent drawback in them is that they blindly believe and follow others. For a happy existence, it is suggested that they should screen people thoroughly before confidence is bestowed on them.

They will not hesitate to throw away any social or religious laws when warranted. Hence their married life will be marred with conflicts and disturbances.

They will be prone to diseases connected with blood, jaundice, urinary disorders, blood sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, and paralysis and throat trouble.

All the above said qualities are apt for any female in Rohini also, provided in their horoscope the planetery position of SURYA is very powerful or they are born with birth number 9.

The above postings on ROHINI STAR are the general characteristics seen real life situations and may differ slightly with the planetery  positions of the individual.

For any of the detailed consultations, any can contact


Females from Rohini Star: They generally have a round/Oval face, fair complexion, and a very nice figure and smile. Sometimes, their smile will bring an impression as though they are very innocent; but in real sense no so exactly.

Certain parts of Rohini Rising will correspond with a very beautiful face and body. Some of the most beautiful women are born in Rohini.

Besides her beauty of face and figure she will have a keen intellect; she will be an interesting conversationalist good at discussion and repartee.

She will be devoted to her parents and her domestic life should be very happy, because her personal inclinations will be clean, honest, and upright.

Their level of tolerance to non-sense is almost zero and their quality of getting irritated brings an immediate retort of all sorts.

The suitable areas of their excellence will be Food Expertise, Cosmetic, Costume, Perfume, Jewellery Designing, Creative Literature, Poetry and Music.

Given a chance, even though she tend to perform well with these areas, if they are given any menial job also, they do their best with their situation.

Since Rohini is identified with the colour Red, the females of this star will be very bright in their look and intellect.

Since the female in Rohini is associated with Goddess with the age of just started menstruating girl (with the age of nine) and also has got an attribute of being creative, her well suited deity for worship is SRIBALA one of the forms of DEVI in Dasamaha Vidya.

Because of this association also, even the aged females tend have the child like character while they talk to people in intimacy.

Due to their quality of their actions rules by heart than the mind/brain, they tend to find fault easily with very silly reasons, which will not be a compatible action by the star groups ruled by mind rather than the heart.

For best marital compatibility, this aspect needs to be seen with the match of stars. Of course, the match should be with the star group having a balanced sense of ruling instead of extreme qualities match.

The females in Rohini need to be extra careful with maintaining their body, since they have the temptation for good food. Though they are good looking, this temperament will lead to Obesity and resulting in diseases at an early age.



Rohini is a Nakshatra (STAR) in Indian Astronomy corresponding to Aldebaran in the western World.

In Hindu Mythology Rohini is the daughter of Prajapathi Daksha and his wife Prasuti.

She is one of the twenty seven daughters, who has married the moon God Chandra.

Rohini is ruled by Prajapati, the Creator. Of the 27 daughters, Rohini was the Moon's favorite wife. This is the fourth nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Moon. It spreads from 10° 0' in Vrishabha to 23° 20' in Vrishabha. 


Eyes of the people born in this nakshatra are especially attractive. The word is derived from root word Rohan which means to rise or to bring into existence. The other name of Rohini is Surabi - the celestial cow.

God born in Rohini: Sri Krishna.

Rohini’s constellation: It extends in the Vrishabha Rasi from 10 degree to 23:20.

The Symbol: A Cart drawn by Cows.

Location: Alpha Tauri

The Devata: He is Brahma, the prime creator of all living things. 
Since the Devata is Brahma you can say that this star possesses the quality related to anything creative – may be with art form, literature, poetry, astrology, predictive sciences, anything requiring a lot of imagination.

Specialization: They may be good with the research and development or enhancing any art form.

Industries of  professional excellence: The industries related to FOOD, ART DESIGN, CREATIVE DESIGN RELATED TO FURNITURE, PAINTING, DRAWING etc, may be of their successful areas.

With Literature they may excel as professors, teachers; with Art they may be good in teaching since this star is related to Budha, who is good with the insight oriented thinking.

The Aspirations: Rohini is said to have been fond of dress, cosmetics and décor and was the most beloved of Chandra. We can say the Rohini’s generally are fond of Good dress sense and cosmetics.

Even with Industries related to Textile Design, Information Technology Design, Cosmetic and Perfumery Industry, they tend to excel in their work.

Rohini is fond of preparation and consuming of good & tasty food. They like to entertain people with good drinks, food etc. and at the same time would love to get pampered with Good food.

Rohini- group therefore encompasses everything that comes within the range of creation.

Since Chandra is very fond of Rohini, the people of Rohini Star tend to be very talkative and resort to flattery for getting things done.

This is not their direct attribute and the associates of the people with Rohini need to be very much like a SWAN in picking the essence of the talk from Rohini.

Even though they are aggressive to attain what they are fond of, they are also well behaved, handsome/beautiful in look and can be good speakers.

Since Rohini happened to be the fondest wife of Chandra, they enjoy and interested in love making.

Love making here does not mean rearing more children. They always have a tendency of pampered with Romance. The stars with lesser urge for love making will not go well with marital life with people in Rohini Star, since it brings much dissatisfaction in private life.

Even in Love, they prefer to get pampered and welcome a prelude of sweet speech, good listening to them. The hurt out of love from any Rohini person will be exhibited in all their actions, which is some time even very harmful.

If we see in Spiritual aspect of their life, they are very much religious, respect to the gurus and honest to the people who helped them. They are able servants of their lords and determined. They are endowed with good looking hands and wide forehead, handsome/beautiful and independent in their action.

They are much loved by their children, which they may not reciprocate much due to their expectation of pampered love from others.

Their independent nature with their ability of being creative sometime may lead them with wild imagination and if not positively nurtured will become disaster for the people around. In other words, they tend to bring conclusions about people and their behavior without the support of true of facts.

Since Rohini has the immediate association with Budha, it has the quality of being too sweet with talk and action with those who pamper as well as very tough with those who go in advice to them or fight with them.

The people with Rohini star will have jealousy from others because others may resent that a person gains such abundance. They tend to have instant and increased desire for any material attainment. They also have the tendency of possessiveness with the people in their close circuit, which make them to live with very few friends; but not very close friends.

The chances of getting eye diseases or wearing spectacles at an early age are more.

The famous personalities with ROHINI STAR: Barak Obama, Sigmond Freud etc.


I am bringing this series of study for the benefit of the people known to me, since this has been helpful for me over a period of 20 years to handle the people in a far better manner in any life situation dealing with any particular Star born personality.

This is out of my study of VEDIC ASTROLOGY and PRACTICAL LIFE INSTANCES, brought for the benefit of friends around the world. 

This can be mostly accurate; yet depends on their time, date, month and year of birth. The prediction becomes 100% correct, if we further know their Birth Time, Date, month and Year born.

Their optimized performance of work and the result in any life situation will get influenced with the stars of the other members of their work group.

For example, if the husband and the wife work together in a family business, the optimization of their business growth much depends on the combination of their Stars, rather than the study of the any one of them. The continuity of their business for generations depends on the stars of their siblings in combination with their horoscope.

Likewise, when an employee is recruited for any particular position, then the work characteristics should go hand in hand with the person to whom it is getting assigned. Even for this the knowledge about the Stars mostly helps, since every star has a group of trade/art areas with which they dwell.

One more life example I can bring is, if any female is good with Singing and a Prodigy, then her success after marriage much depends on the support of the family with which she gets wed locked.

In any life situation, the predicted behavior of a person becomes helpful for harmony in the work place. A preliminary knowledge of any star will give a good amount of information about a particular person’s behavior. 

This also gives information regarding why a person could not excel in their work responsibility.

Some time one has to take up a decision to go for change of profession for a harmonious rhythm in life. Some time on has to think about getting into totally different area of work for a particular period of time. These are all because of the star influences of a particular person.

By knowing the Star characteristic features and the Values at an early age, a Child can be given a good counseling for choosing a particular specialization and pursue their studies.

I am bringing the Characteristics and the Value of Stars every day, picking any of the 27 Stars at random.

Meeting with a STAR VALUE soon,