Monday, December 7, 2009


W      The word “BHARAN” meaning maintenance of necessities brings the foremost characteristic of making available all that are necessities (the ARTHA, the one comes first out of ARTHA, KAMA and MOKSHA) for worldly life.
W      In the order of 27 Nakshatra, it is the Second under the Aries Group.
W      The Lord of this Nakshatra is VENUS, planet vested with bringing fortunes and worldly pleasures.
W      The controller of this Star is the YAMA, the God of Death. The YAMA is reigning as the controller due to the fact that due to the VENUS rule, the BHARANI gets the best in Life and in abundance. This abundance nature may cause a life of undesirable pleasures like pleasure out of Gambling, all vices of cruel and bad character. When YAMA, the God of Death combines with the Venus as the ruler, he guards the natives of Bharani indulging in extravaganza and undesirable means of life. He brings to these natives, what is just for the living in harmony.
W      The Gana or the Role representation is MANUSHYA, (out of the three Ganas, DEVA, MANUSHYA and ASURA), bringing the star value to the depiction of a person with ordinary worldly desires of material well-being.
W      The symbol of this Star is YONI, the Sanskrit word for Female reproductive organ, Vagina.

Physical Features:

Ø  They are medium built and their forehead being wide and balled.

Ø  They are mostly golden brown or tanned red in color.

Ø  They will have pleasing smile with their organized and considerably large teeth.

Ø  They may have a slight deformation of any parts of body below the hip or have a walk with their leg(s) spreading to sideways.(like a DUCK WALK)

Ø  They prefer very clean and serene environment, with their physical appearance with best fit dressing and ornaments.

Psychological Characteristics:

   o    Very passionate and convinced about what they think as right and want to execute irrespective of whatever be the opposition from the environment and directly condemn & attack their critics.

o    Very concerned about the worldly pleasures of the family and spends with the new necessities and a bit impulsive with spilling words while talking to others.

o    Expect others to work for them under their ruling and never give up in any argument.

o    Hardly makes any close and long term friendship due to the fact that they have their ups and downs with their own mind set and behavior.

o    Since they have their mind to make others work for them, they do not bother much about formal education and never budge for any pressure to become a learned man/woman.

o    They prefer to have a luxury life out of others hardships/ hard work and the extreme of BHARANI sometimes even find pleasure in cruel behavior like killing, physical beating and torturing.

o    They do not mind bringing instantaneous filthy words or words of extreme contempt or even comments that bring a harsh impact on a third person.

o    They normally wish to stay away from any conflict due to their liking for serenity; yet due to their jealousy attitude, they try to win their opponent with their cleverness and in extreme cases with harshness or a threat.

o    They are very poetic in nature and think more from their heart than their mind.They will have their personal break through with a lot of struggle and obstacles. Since they are very much mentally alert and physically agile, they take these struggles as their personal challenges.

o    They seldom care much for their physical ailments. But, they hardly have any major ailment in their life, except their instantaneous extreme temperaments and normally, their longevity is long with robust health.

Interpretation of attributes from the General Characteristics:

θ         Bharani natives always look upon the materiality of any transaction or happening and look at the experiential/monetary gain out of any happening. So, they do not have any consideration out of absolute compassion or gratis.
θ         They prefer to be away from any direct controversies due to their serene loving nature and would like to solve problem through indirect compulsion or in extreme cases, through physical or emotional threat given to the other party involved. In that process, they may even loose good relations with the environment.
θ         Since the control of YAMA as their lordship, they tend to have a sudden end out of any relationship or a transaction, without any botheration about the consequences. They also tend to start a new relationship with frivolous grounds which may become an abortive attempt.
θ         They tend to become a channel or a starter for any new working/ relationship, like YAMA gives scope for a new birth.
θ         Bharani Natives are given the symbol of the Vagina, the female organ for reproduction. In the lower plane of living, Bharani natives with less or no spiritual outlook tend to be over tuned to Sex Life. Their animosity may even tend to dominate the opposite sex with their compulsive physical relations. In case of any less compatible or nil compatible situation between the partners, the urge of sex domination may bring extra martial relationship, without any second thought. However, it does not mean that they leave the family for this extra martial relationship.
θ         Bharani natives, if attuned properly with spiritual living, tend to see their life with more of family care/ care for the partner in terms of seeing the physical relationship as the entry to the non dualistic and soul realising affair. That kind of spiritual enlightenment will bring pro creation and creative working with the partner, instead of “FOR THE SEX ALONE” OR compulsive attitude.
θ         Since they are associated with VENUS, though they have righteous thinking in every affair/transaction, there is a tendency to spend for any newly introduced things, for the family.
θ         Since the vigilant attitude of YAMA prevails with these natives, they always tend to stay with the family and never leave the family even for a brief while. This may cause friction, if the other partner in the family is very independent in nature and love to travel a lot. The more of opposition from the partner may bring an attitude of possessive/suspicious attitude. On the contrary, if the partner is of very listening and accommodative, they tend to encourage the partners with new ideas and even brining an enterprising attitude.